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One of my favourite reads of 2018.

The Man I Think I Know - Mike Gayle

I had previously read a couple of Mike Gayle books (Dinner for Two and The To-Do-List) and considered them to be Chick-Lit, but written by a man - Guy-Lit. The Man I Think I Know was in another class entirely, one of my favourite books of 2018. It still contained Mike's trade-mark humour, but this was also full of empathy and emotion, and still remains with me even though I read it nearly six months ago.


The two main characters had been to private school together, yet both were in some way disabled. James DeWitt was from a wealthy family, while Danny Allen was from the wrong side of the tracks, but circumstances have a way of producing outcomes that no-one would have expected and they are thrown together in a fascinating, endearing twosome, that had me turning the pages enthusiastically.


I don't think I want to say too much more because this is a book that should unravel before your eyes and it would be a shame to spoil the pleasure with too much information. So I will just say that I hope you get the chance to pick up this book, and if so, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.